August 7, 2021
Let's help you narrow some of them down, shall we?
For starters, we have a handful of vendors who are only here once a month so make a beeline for them. This week, these are: OM Champagne Tea (you should always have some of their fire turmeric Champagne tea in your fridge for bubbly emergencies) , KAS Spirits (their krupnikas should be s staple on your rolling bar cart for all sorts of summer and fall cocktails), Momo's Dressing(if you haven't tried their bento boxes, you're missing something big) and Bombay Chutney Co. (any cut of lamb is just not the same without a dollop of their mint chutney, and you must try some of their new simmer sauces for cooking some of the beautiful fish filets at Pura Vida Fishery or chicken at R & M Farms.
Also Noomi Peanut Butter is here. Do you know that this peanut butter sweetened with dates recently took first place in the nut butter category at the International 2021 Flave Awards? This is a high-end culinary competition providing small to medium sized businesses an opportunity to showcase their original and unique products. Way to go Noomi!
Ok, now that's out of the way, you should know that Sea Change Flower & Farm has a new dahlia in the field and in her bouquets, and it's a head turner to be sure. As is the new peach and blueberry pie at Noble Pies.
123 Dough is making their own house pesto with basil from Harlem Valley Homestead. Over the next few weeks they will be sampling it on their sourdough focaccia. Check it out!
Are you one of the many shoppers who've walked past the okra at Stoneberry Farm, admired its purplish hues, and kept on walking? For you, here is an okra recipe for a one-pot tomato and okra dish that everyone should have in their arsenal. It's Mediterranean, not Southern. Or, you can just roast whole okra that's been salted and drizzled with olive oil at 425 for about 12-15 minutes.
Isn't August gin and tonic month? Well it should be! Neversink Spirits is in the house, and their botanical gin should most definitely be in yours.
Happy National Farmer's Market Week to all of our vendors and shoppers.