filling fridges

I’ve been working from my native Santa Monica, CA., these past few days, helping my mom get ready for her big, permanent, move to Hastings. The weather couldn’t have been wackier. High winds, torrential downpours, even hail. HAIL! The farmers at the new Mar Vista farmers market seemed low on produce. Much less bounty than we’ve seen at our market recently. How crazy is that?

I came home late last night and the first thing I did was run out to the back yard to see if my neighbor’s forsythia was blooming. Of course it was. I realize it’s not cool to love these non-native yellow blossoms, but for me, they are such a touchstone sign that spring really is at the door. It means that asparagus, ramps and spring onions are sure to follow, then rhubarb then strawberries...

In a world that is constantly throwing us curve balls, it’s so reassuring to still be able to count on the market cycle. You know what else we can count on at our market?

Your constant generosity. 

We are long overdue in thanking you for your donations late last year for our food pantry donation program. We asked, specifically, for funds to help buy a bigger fridge for the Hastings Food Pantry so that we could contribute more market food to meet the rising need from more households experiencing food insecurity in our community and beyond. Well, as luck would have it, we were given an extra large commercial fridge by Bloomy Cheese & Provisions in Dobbs Ferry. On top of that, one of our very own vendors, Di Riso, gave us a large Frigidaire freezer. With the infrastructure taken care of, now we can focus on filling these fridges with more fresh market produce and fruit. We are using the money we raised to double up on our weekly egg and apple donations this year. Each week, we will be donating 40 cartons of eggs and two large crates of apples to the pantry. (Thank you, Orchards of Concklin and R&M Farms for working with us on pricing for these donations). 

Our goal in 2023 is to keep these fridges full. We are so happy to report that we are bringing back our lovely “Glean on Me” campaign. Once a month, we ask shoppers to fill large baskets at our market tent with fresh produce.Buy a bag of carrots for yourself and buy one for the basket. It’s always so gratifying to see how quickly these baskets fill up. We will be doing this on the third Saturday of each month starting with our May 20th market. 

Speaking of carrots... make sure to pick some up to make this carrot pudding ring cake for Passover.

Wil Hi Farm returns for the first time since the fall with, of course, coolers full of legs of lamb for your Easter feast. Here’s a primer on how to perfectly roast a leg of lamb if it’s been a while. 

Pick up some potatoes from Sun Sprout and Harlem Valley Farm and serve with a side of wilted Swiss Chard from Great Joy.

A new vendor is visiting us this week: Anish Supreme Foods. Ani Yaranush, (yes, she is linked to the famous Yaranush Mediterranean market on Central Ave). She makes tahini walnut bread twists that teeter deliciously teeter between savory and sweet. She also makes date and nut “balls” that are pretty irresistible. Feeling a little droopy? Pop one in your mouth for an instant healthy pick me up.

Also returning, Ici et La Creations. French seamstress Frederique makes handy, washable fabric pot covers and unique tote bags and lunch bags, many out of pretty floral Liberty fabrics. Drop by and say bonjour!

Also back after a (too) long hiatus, Charlottes Home Kitchen. She is bringing her Indian Sunset cake: a delicious mix of cardamom, blood orange and hazelnut. Dairy and gluten-free, natch.

There is rain in the forecast but we’re banking on a faulty forecast. Hope springs eternal.  

Fer Franco