Nectarines and Emmaline's at the market this week!!

Ok. So now we are in full swing. It was a cold wet spring and that meant things were late getting to market and for many weeks our produce bins were basically greens, greens, and, yeah, more greens.

Now, the sun is out (is it ever!) and the bins are bursting with stone fruit and tomatoes and summer squash. Finally some variety in color...and crunch.

Stone fruits are skipping to the market and this is the year you’re going to use them for savory dishes, right? Consider this refreshing quinoa salad refreshing quinoa salad  or this burrata salad made with grilled nectarines. 

Nervous about grilling fruit? Here’s a primer.

At our Fourth of July cookout we were so pleased to have some Emmaline’s Hot Sauce on the table. This sauce is warm and sassy just like the ladies who make it.

We’re so pleased to welcome  Windridge Farm Mushrooms back to the market this week - making sure you never go a week without fabulous fungi at the market.
If you’re not sure what to do with fancy mushrooms during the warmer months, consider this  warm mushroom salad from Food & Wine. It’s the perfect thing to serve alongside a quiche from Escargot Voyageur. Last week, Chef Thierry was topping his quiches with a dollop of baked goat cheese. Dee-lish!

Don't miss our rotating vendors this week: 1857 Spirits, specializing in top-notch vodkas from the only distillery in the area using their own farmed potatoes and Adirondack water. Also, Wildcraft Baking Company returns with their gluten-free granola packed with flavor – and dehydrated veggies. 

Our music is courtesy of Sam Brown.

See you at the market! 

Fer Franco