January 4th, 2020

Happy New Year! Heading into the new decade, we invite you to join us in our resolution, a resolution that we have had since the inception of the Market. Our resolution continues to be to support our local agricultural foodshed by connecting sustainable farmers, food artisans, and thoughtful consumers who share a conviction in eating healthy for themselves and the planet. The new decade will demand more of us as we reckon with climate change. Sourcing your food, even a small amount of it, from farmers and purveyors who care deeply about sustainability and who are in our regional food hub is part of the solution . A small part, but a part nonetheless.

Sun Sprout Farm continues to be our organic anchor farm in the winter market. As a result of significant investments in greenhouses and high-tunnels, Simon and his team are able to grow greens year-round. Get more greens into your diet by picking up some of these beautiful bok choy blossoms. Running out of recipes? Check out this bok choy recipe collection from Food 52. 

Letterbox Farm, a welcome winter addition, also grows greens year-round. They grow an assortment of shoots, including pea and baby spinach. These young plants are mild-tasting and an easy way to get greens into your body. Sprinkle them on your avocado toast, throw them in smoothies, or garnish a hard-boiled it on the go. 

Another welcome addition, Hive Juice Lab, joins us this Saturday with their cold-pressed juices. Thinking of doing a juice cleanse to start off the new year? Stop by their table to learn more about their cleansing systems and delivery service.

If one of your resolutions is to improve your health, a visit to Dr. Pickle is in order! Load up on a variety of fermented vegetables that are loaded with probiotics and can help whip your gut flora into shape.

Hey Mama Kitchen, out of Bronxville, visits again with their line of cookies, teas, and more to support nursing mothers, though you don't have to be a lactating mom to enjoy their granola! Anyone can enjoy a healthy breakfast in LESS than 5 minutes with their almond cranberry granola. Just add fruit and your favorite milk.  

See you at the Market!

Fer Franco