Let's Party! • 6/17/2023

We’ve been building up to this for a while...and now the day to celebrate a quarter century of the Hastings Farmers Market has come.

So put on your dancing shoes, party hats and favorite Hastings T-shirt (there have been so many iterations) and head on down to the commuter lot Saturday! 

The market opens at 8:30 but the actual festivities are from 9 to 12 (so if you are not the partying type you can shop before or after). There will be plenty of activities for kids led by the 
Bethany Arts Center and Amanda Kupillas Dance Studio, as well as a kids’ cooking demo (strawberry shortcake to stay seasonal), veggie themed face painting and more.

Around 10 a.m. our mayor will address the crowd and Assembly member Mary Jane Shimsky will deliver a citation to the market. We’ve invited vendors from years past to come for the day and it should be a celebration worthy of our mighty, hometown market. 

We know we’re bursting with pride, but how do you feel about our market? There will be plenty of opportunities for you to share a favorite market memory, on market notes that will be provided at our cafe tables. Just drop them in the big fishbowl at our market tent. 

Or, you can record your thoughts, impressions, memories about the HFM at our “market stories” table. 
We’ve got lots of 
25th Anniversary merch to show off our milestone. And, The Fearless Cook food truck will be preparing dishes that were popular in 1998–the year it all began. There will be delicious food giveaways from some special surprise guests. And Meredith’s, one of our original vendors,  is graciously donating festive cookies for the occasion- in the shape of an apple, natch. (Warning: limited supply!)

So whether you’ve only come to the market a few times for monkey bread, mushrooms, or the live music, or whether you’ve filled your market bags here weekly for the past 25 years, we invite you all to come raise a celery stick (Morgiewicz, of course) with us. 

See you at the market!
(That never gets old)

Fer Franco