Thank you, Hastings!

Wow! Last Saturday’s anniversary celebration was hopping! It was truly a party worthy of the venerable Hastings Farmers Market itself. Thanks to all of you who came out to help us celebrate and, more importantly, for supporting your market over the past quarter century.
In light of the long, storied history of the market, I am a newcomer. It was the summer of 2020 when I started helping Pascale manage the market. COVID-19 was raging and we required social distancing, masks, and registered shopping slots. You were undaunted; you patiently stood in line and offered me (standing at the head of the line with a clicker to follow our strict one-out/one-in policy) a cheery hello or a wink over your mask and very often thanked me for being there. Simply doing my job.
The Hastings Farmers Market thrives in part because it is a dynamic place. The world doesn’t stop evolving and neither will we. Pascale and I are always looking for unique artisans and producers to invite into our market family. We’re delighted when we find a brand-new, fledgling vendor who simply needs some TLC to really fly. We know that the good people of Hastings will sample new products and offer constructive criticism and lots of encouragement. This week, we’re especially excited to introduce you to 
Plantidote Foods. Danielle’s philosophy is that it should be easier to eat delicious vegan meals, that isn’t “frankenfood,” and instead is whole food and filled with protein. Oh, and they’re delicious, too! 
You are an incubator for small businesses. Good on you! And your generosity is overwhelming: week after week, the Hastings food pantry receives donations from the market, sponsored by you.
From market stalwarts like 
Morgiewicz Produce and Meredith’s Bakery to newbies like DoughCo BagelsMarcelina OrangeEmmaline’s Hot Sauce and Roaming Acres, everyone has a place at the market. The camaraderie among vendors and shoppers is palpable and a really special thing to behold.  
When I think of last Saturday’s market celebration, the one emotion I feel most strongly is gratitude. I’m grateful that so many of you share your Saturday mornings with us and I’m grateful that the Hastings community extends such a warm welcome to our vendors, week after week. I am grateful for the friends I’ve made… even though we might not know each other’s names. For all of this and more, thank you.
Here’s to the next twenty-five years. See you at the market!

Market Manager

Fer Franco